Friday, July 8, 2011

Life on life's terms...

Today I got kicked out of a place that I go to from time to time to look for work. Okay, today I just went there to get some free coffee and work on this blog a little bit, but still it beats the hell outta sittin here at Suburban Station just begging the cops to kick me out. Why did I get kicked out you ask? Well in all honesty it was mostly my fault and leave it at that shall we?
The real point is that I'm angry today, angry at the person I got into an argument with, angry at my wife's family because they're kicking her and our 11 month old son out of their house with no where to go but mostly I'm angry at myself for getting into this situation to begin with, and therein lies the problem.
See addicts don't like to have to accept personal responsibility. In fact we hate it. In fact if it weren't for the fact that I know full well the disastrous consequences of running from personal responsibility, well...
So here I sit, trying to type a blog entry using android swype, which really doesn't work too well and waiting for lunch time at the mission. I'll post more later, especially about the situation with my son and how it got this way, but for now I think I'm done.

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